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pull() is similar to $. It's mostly useful because it looks a little nicer in pipes.


# S3 method for flowFrame
pull(.data, var = -1, name = NULL, ...)



A flowFrame.


A variable specified as: * a literal variable name * a positive integer, giving the position counting from the left * a negative integer, giving the position counting from the right.


An optional parameter that specifies the column to be used as names for a named vector. Specified in a similar manner as var.


For use by methods.


A vector the same size as .data.


my_flowframe <- simulate_cytometry_data()$flowframe

 my_flowframe |>
#>   [1] 20.648935 63.303005 70.050774 53.005867 66.655724 64.047829 27.355886
#>   [8]  5.490736 37.310413 78.034470 15.957017 45.452126 42.853611 27.112152
#>  [15] 49.034760 87.483971 65.565163 92.555740 79.439484 27.588352 56.409615
#>  [22] 92.973183 93.744850  9.163841 67.738861 42.103306 41.801208 90.113327
#>  [29] 97.319702 39.528194  8.772243 47.921066 80.070045 61.109413 12.481791
#>  [36] 75.397644  4.612498 61.320526  2.047465 52.206711 23.714315 58.911583
#>  [43] 91.727608 15.903027 97.227531 42.265381 97.799255 78.570625 40.033646
#>  [50] 88.210114 15.459453 66.401497 68.943169 57.255486 35.932823 98.874733
#>  [57]  7.664884 64.414917 18.191687 85.908806 28.854046 98.159660  2.235729
#>  [64] 10.810736 84.079285 40.095047 89.011887 96.432709 54.091339 15.115402
#>  [71] 83.707336  1.495027 13.733397  5.369581 14.545731 16.658072 59.614033
#>  [78] 90.506859 35.660660 42.914162 13.146553  7.976927 51.834496 94.653320
#>  [85] 51.723930 73.538689 32.461868 32.472141 76.520462 16.967514 99.348076
#>  [92] 21.094311 38.642769 85.625511 36.075798 65.986588 31.417198 72.551811
#>  [99] 40.809181 41.961121
#> attr(,"ranges")
#>  [1] 100  99 100 100  98  97  98  99  97 100