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Create, modify, and delete columns.


# S3 method for flowSet
transmute(.data, ...)



A flowSet


Name-value pairs. The name (the left side of the equals sign) gives the name of the column in the output. The right side of the equation performs computations using the names of each channel according to the featureNames of .data's constituent flowFrames. Supports tidyselection.


A flowSet. The output has the following properties: * Columns created or modified through ... will be returned in the order specified by .... * The number of rows is not affected. * Columns given the value NULL will be removed. * The flowSet's pData will be preserved.


my_flowset <- simulate_cytometry_data()$flowset

my_flowset |>
  dplyr::transmute(new_feature = feature_1 + feature_2)
#> A flowSet with 5 experiments.
#> column names(1): new_feature