Structural and functional features of central nervous system lymphatic vessels
Louveau, A, Smirnov, I, Keyes, TJ et al. (2015). "Structural and functional features of central nervous system lymphatic vessels." Nature. 523: 337-341.
Louveau, A, Smirnov, I, Keyes, TJ et al. (2015). "Structural and functional features of central nervous system lymphatic vessels." Nature. 523: 337-341.
Jia JL, Kamceva M, Keyes TJ. (2018). "Navigating Controversy: A Critical Element of Medical Education." Academic Medicine 1. 12: 1750.
Bunting SR, Battes TJ, Keyes TJ, Garber SS, Goldstein RH, Ritchie TD. (2020). "Student Education About Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Varies Between Regions of the United States." Journal of General Internal Medicine. 35: 2873-2881
Goetz TG, Zucker S, Keyes TJ, Gisondi M. (2020). "Medical Student Pride Alliance: The First National LGBTQ+ Medical Student Affinity Organization." Medical Education. PMID: 32242963.
Keyes TJ, Domizi P, Lo YC, Nolan GP, and Davis KL. (2020). "A cancer biologist’s primer on machine learning applications in high-dimensional cytometry." Cytometry Part A (Special issue on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence). 97(8): 782-799
Lin CH, Kuehn HS, Thauland TJ, Lee CM, De Ravin SS, Malech HL, Keyes TJ, Jager A, Davis KL, Garcia-Lloret MI, Rosenzweig SD, Butte MJ. (2020). "Progressive B Cell Loss in Revertant X-SCID." Journal of Clinical Immunology. 40: 1001-1009
Lo, YC., Keyes, T.J., Jager, A. et al. (2022) "CytofIn enables integrated analysis of public mass cytometry datasets using generalized anchors." Nature Communications. 13, 934.
Talk at R/Medicine 2021, Palo Alto, California