Clinical metadata for each patient sample in Good & Sarno et al. (2018).
A dataset containing patient-level clinical metadata for samples originally studied
in the following paper:
Good Z, Sarno J, et al.
Single-cell developmental classification of B cell precursor acute
lymphoblastic leukemia at diagnosis reveals predictors of relapse.
Nat Med. 2018 May;24(4):474-483. doi: 10.1038/nm.4505. Epub 2018 Mar 5.
PMID: 29505032; PMCID: PMC5953207.
A data frame with 10000 rows and 12 variables:
- patient_id
Name of the sample from which the data was read
- gender
Gender of the patient from which each sample was collected
- age_at_diagnosis
Age (in years) of the patient from which each sample was collected
- wbc_count
The diagnostic White Blood Cell (WBC) count of the patient from which each sample was collected
- mrd_risk
Risk stratification category for each patient using minimal residual disease (MRD) criteria
- nci_rome_risk
Risk stratification category for each patient using National Cancer Institute (NCI) criteria
- relapse_status
A string representing whether or not a patient relapsed
- time_to_relapse
The time (in days) it took each patient to relapse. Patients who did not relapse will have the value of NA
- type_of_relapse
A string representing the timing of relapse for each patient. "Very early" relapses occurred less than 18 months after diagnosis; "Early" relapses occurred between 18 months and 32 months after diagnosis; "Late" relapses occurred later than 32 months after diagnosis.
- ccr
The number of documented days of continuous complete remission (CCR) for patients who did not relapse. All patients who relapsed will have a value of NA.
- cohort
A string representing if each sample was used in the "Training" or "Validation" cohort in the original study
- ddpr_risk
The risk category ("Low" or "High") assigned to each sample using the original paper's risk-stratification algorithm