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This feature extraction function calculates the Jensen-Shannon Distance (JSD) between the stimulated and unstimulated ("basal") experimental conditions of samples in a CyTOF experiment. This calculation is performed across a user-specified selection of CyTOF antigens and can be performed either overall (across all cells in the dataset) or after breaking down the cells into subgroups using `group_cols`.


  group_cols = NULL,
  marker_cols = where(tof_is_numeric),
  format = c("wide", "long"),
  num_bins = 100



A `tof_tbl` or a `tibble`.


An unquoted column name indicating which column in `tof_tibble` stores the cluster ids of the cluster to which each cell belongs. Cluster labels can be produced via any method the user chooses - including manual gating, any of the functions in the `tof_cluster_*` function family, or any other method.


Unquoted column names representing which columns in `tof_tibble` should be used to break the rows of `tof_tibble` into subgroups for the feature extraction calculation. Defaults to NULL (i.e. performing the extraction without subgroups).


Unquoted column names representing which columns in `tof_tibble` (i.e. which CyTOF protein measurements) should be included in the feature extraction calculation. Defaults to all numeric (integer or double) columns. Supports tidyselect helpers.


An unquoted column name that indicates which column in `tof_tibble` contains information about which stimulation condition each cell was exposed to during data acquisition.

If provided, the feature extraction will be further broken down into subgroups by stimulation condition (and features from each stimulation condition will be included as their own features in wide format).


A string indicating what the value in `jsd_col` corresponds to the basal stimulation condition (i.e. "basal" or "unstimulated").


A string indicating if the data should be returned in "wide" format (the default; each cluster feature is given its own column) or in "long" format (each cluster feature is provided as its own row).


Optional. The number of bins to use in dividing one-dimensional marker distributions into discrete segments for the JSD calculation. Defaults to 100.


A tibble.

If format == "wide", the tibble will have 1 row for each combination of the grouping variables provided in `group_cols` and one column for each grouping variable, one column for each extracted feature (the JSD between the distribution of a given marker in a given cluster in the basal condition and the distribution of that marker in the same cluster in a stimulated condition). The names of each column containing cluster features is obtained using the following pattern: "{stimulation_id}_{marker_id}@{cluster_id}_jsd".

If format == "long", the tibble will have 1 row for each combination of the grouping variables in `group_cols`, each cluster id (i.e. level) in `cluster_col`, and each marker in `marker_cols`. It will have one column for each grouping variable, one column for the cluster ids, one column for the CyTOF channel names, and one column (`value`) containing the features.


sim_data <-
        cd45 = rnorm(n = 1000),
        cd38 = rnorm(n = 1000),
        cd34 = rnorm(n = 1000),
        cd19 = rnorm(n = 1000),
        cluster_id = sample(letters, size = 1000, replace = TRUE),
        patient = sample(c("kirby", "mario"), size = 1000, replace = TRUE),
        stim = sample(c("basal", "stim"), size = 1000, replace = TRUE)

# extract jsd of each cluster in each patient (using the "basal" stim
# condition as a reference) in wide format
    tof_tibble = sim_data,
    cluster_col = cluster_id,
    group_cols = patient,
    jsd_col = stim,
    reference_level = "basal"
#> # A tibble: 2 × 105
#>   patient `stim_cd45@c_jsd` `stim_cd38@c_jsd` `stim_cd34@c_jsd`
#>   <chr>               <dbl>             <dbl>             <dbl>
#> 1 mario                  NA                NA                NA
#> 2 kirby                  NA                NA                NA
#> # ℹ 101 more variables: `stim_cd19@c_jsd` <dbl>, `stim_cd45@v_jsd` <dbl>,
#> #   `stim_cd38@v_jsd` <dbl>, `stim_cd34@v_jsd` <dbl>, `stim_cd19@v_jsd` <dbl>,
#> #   `stim_cd45@l_jsd` <dbl>, `stim_cd38@l_jsd` <dbl>, `stim_cd34@l_jsd` <dbl>,
#> #   `stim_cd19@l_jsd` <dbl>, `stim_cd45@t_jsd` <dbl>, `stim_cd38@t_jsd` <dbl>,
#> #   `stim_cd34@t_jsd` <dbl>, `stim_cd19@t_jsd` <dbl>, `stim_cd45@o_jsd` <dbl>,
#> #   `stim_cd38@o_jsd` <dbl>, `stim_cd34@o_jsd` <dbl>, `stim_cd19@o_jsd` <dbl>,
#> #   `stim_cd45@f_jsd` <dbl>, `stim_cd38@f_jsd` <dbl>, …

# extract jsd of each cluster (using the "basal" stim
# condition as a reference) in long format
    tof_tibble = sim_data,
    cluster_col = cluster_id,
    jsd_col = stim,
    reference_level = "basal",
    format = "long"
#> # A tibble: 104 × 4
#>    cluster_id marker stimulation   jsd
#>    <chr>      <chr>  <chr>       <dbl>
#>  1 c          cd45   stim        1    
#>  2 c          cd38   stim        0.926
#>  3 c          cd34   stim        0.675
#>  4 c          cd19   stim        0.778
#>  5 v          cd45   stim        0.634
#>  6 v          cd38   stim        0.885
#>  7 v          cd34   stim        0.693
#>  8 v          cd19   stim        0.750
#>  9 l          cd45   stim        0.665
#> 10 l          cd38   stim        0.924
#> # ℹ 94 more rows