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Read data from an .fcs/.csv file or a directory of .fcs/.csv files.


tof_read_data(path = NULL, sep = "|", panel_info = dplyr::tibble())



A file path to a single file or to a directory of files. The only valid file types are .fcs files or .csv files containing high-dimensional cytometry data.


Optional. A string to use to separate the antigen name and its associated metal in the column names of the output tibble. Defaults to "|". Only used if the input file is an .fcs file.


Optional. A tibble or data.frame containing information about the panel used during high-dimensional cytometry data acquisition. Two columns are required: "metals" and "antigens". Only used if the input file is a .csv file.


An [c by m+1] tibble in which each row represents a single cell (of c total in the dataset) and each column represents a high-dimensional cytometry measurement (of m total in the dataset). If more than one .fcs is read at once, the last column of the tibble (`file_name`) will represent the file name of the .fcs file from which each cell was read.

See also

Other input/output functions: tof_write_csv(), tof_write_data(), tof_write_fcs()


input_file <- dir(tidytof_example_data("aml"), full.names = TRUE)[[1]]
#> # A tibble: 100 × 59
#>         Time Event_length `CD45|Y89` `empty|Pd102` `empty|Pd104` `empty|Pd105`
#>        <dbl>        <dbl>      <dbl>         <dbl>         <dbl>         <dbl>
#>  1 11021370            16       517.         1.33          13.2           865.
#>  2  7112446.           19       850.         3.99          12.7           756.
#>  3  9722098            16       747.         6.96           4.85          639.
#>  4  2267279.           16       585.         0.648          6.32          586.
#>  5  9624729            18       773.         3.93           9.65          645.
#>  6  4439897            19       485.         4.18           3.84          627.
#>  7  2762526.           16       504.         3.46           4.25          566.
#>  8  3746682.           18       567.         6.62          11.7           703.
#>  9 15214280            19      1043.         3.10           9.20          853.
#> 10    42699.           16       543.         0.888         13.6           813.
#> # ℹ 90 more rows
#> # ℹ 53 more variables: `empty|Pd106` <dbl>, `empty|Pd108` <dbl>,
#> #   `empty|Pd110` <dbl>, `CD61|In113` <dbl>, `CD99|In115` <dbl>,
#> #   `empty|I127` <dbl>, `CD45RA|La139` <dbl>, `CD93|Ce140` <dbl>,
#> #   `CD3_CD19|Pr141` <dbl>, `CCR2|Nd142` <dbl>, `CD117|Nd143` <dbl>,
#> #   `CD123|Nd144` <dbl>, `CD64|Nd145` <dbl>, `CD90|Nd146` <dbl>,
#> #   `CD38|Sm147` <dbl>, `CD34|Nd148` <dbl>, `CEBPa|Sm149` <dbl>, …