This function takes a given `tof_tbl` and writes the single-cell data it contains into .csv files within the directory located at `out_path`. The `group_cols` argument specifies how the rows of the `tof_tbl` (each cell) should be broken into separate .csv files
- tof_tibble
A `tof_tbl` or a `tibble`.
- group_cols
Optional. Unquoted names of the columns in `tof_tibble` that should be used to group cells into separate files. Supports tidyselect helpers. Defaults to NULL (all cells are written into a single file).
- out_path
A system path indicating the directory where the output .csv files should be saved. If the directory doesn't exist, it will be created.
- sep
Delimiter that should be used between each of the values of `group_cols` to create the output .csv file names. Defaults to "_".
- file_name
If `group_cols` isn't specified, the name (without an extension) that should be used for the saved .csv file.
This function does not return anything. Instead, it has the side-effect of saving .csv files to `out_path`.
See also
Other input/output functions: